Journal Publications

Practitioner Publications

Research in Progress

  • Ton, Lan Anh N., Rosanna K. Smith, and Ernest Baskin, “Authenticity and Social Class,” under review at the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

  • Ton, Lan Anh N., Rosanna K. Smith, and Shih-Chun (Daniel) Chin, “Material and Moral Purity,” four studies completed and archival data collection in progress.

  • Yoo, Boonghee, Kiwoong Yoo, Ton, Lan Anh N., Heeyoung Yoo, “Customer Animosity,” revising for resubmission to the Journal of Marketing (received reject and resubmit decision).

  • Ton, Lan Anh N. and Kiwoong Yoo, “Small Firm Expansion,” data collection in progress.

  • Ton, Lan Anh N. and Kiwoong Yoo, “K-Pop,” data collection in progress.

  • Ton, Lan Anh N., “Kinds of Purity,” data collection in progress.